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NEW 2021 greetings Melon Rubber
Dec 31,2020 | Company News

Dear Friends,

2020 is coming to an end.

The year has demanded a great deal of us. We have practiced tolerance, flexibility, solidarity, social distancing,

Perseverance, postponement... We are all facing great challenges and must somehow learn to overcome them.

Unfortunately, there is no how-to guide for ways to master this situation.

The important thing is that we do it together.

I  would like to take this opportunity to thank you very much for your trust and loyalty.

It is only thanks to exciting applications and projects that we are able to develop great technical solutions together time and time again.

All Melon Rubber employees wish you all the best this Holiday Season as well as a Healthy and Happy New Year !




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Melon Rubber offers a complete line of molded rubber products that have been developed over more than 10 years. 

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Melon Rubber&Plastic Products Co., Ltd

Tel: +86 760 85331121



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