New Conductive Silicone Rubber for Insulators and Cables Manufacturers
•MelonRubber has been supplying component rubber parts tomajor insulators and cables manufacturersfor many years. When a leader in thecableindustryneeded anRubber materialspecifically designed to perform in theConductiveenvironments of high-efficiency condensing furnace units, it turned to theMelonRubber team for assistance.
materialantistatic, <=109 Ohm at 500Volt
Elongation atbreak>400%
Tensilestrength >7MPA
Lower price
the cable manufacturer needed an elastomer with above characteristics , As far as Melon could tell, the combination of material requirements needed in the new elastomer had never before been addressed.
•To create Melon 4305, Melon assembled a comprehensive team that included its own specialists, customer representatives and strategic partners from its supply chain to find a solution that could be economically processed. The team outlined the parameters under which the part must function, constructed numerous tests to be performed consecutively on the rubber material and then on the finished parts. The team also agreed on a long-term evaluation — the goal was to obtain functionality with a service life of 10 years